Early in life Small Chris was attracted by the desire to share music. As a young boy, he walks everywhere accompanied by his disc-eater in order to play his 45 rpm of the moment.
He also doesn’t hesitate to take over the family turntable to make his own selections from his parents’ vinyls to broadcast to the whole household.

Years goes by and it is only in adolescence that he has a revelation by participating in his first reggae sound system as a spectator. He dreams of himself behind the sound barrier, spinning the vinyls he would have chosen to make the crowd dance.
As soon as he is old enough to work, he devotes his first salaries to the purchase of equipment and records: a first turntable, the first vinyl records in his collection, then a mixing desk, followed by a second turntable. He tries his hand at mixing and learns to use his equipment. During the gigs, he observes with envy and curiosity the other djs and thus perfects his own technique. First alone in his room until the day when he feels ready to go behind the turntables during parties organized by his group of friends.

Wanting to turn his passion into a job, in 2002 he landed a job as resident DJ in a nightclub in his region. After a few years , he decides for a time to leave the night life in order to devote himself to his home and start a family.
During these years, even if his presence is rarer, he continues to practice his passion for music, deejaying and computer audio. Perfectionning his own style according to artistic and technological innovations.

Comfortable in different styles, it is able to go from 80 to 180 (bpm 😉) in the blink of an eye. Taking you from the couch, with its chill sets mixing electro, dub-reggae and old school hiphop, to the dancefloor on the electric rhythms of breakbeats and drum’n bass.
Today Small Chris is back in business and he’s always ready to share his good vibes with you! Don’t hesitate to check his dates so you don’t miss him, listen to his latest mixes or contact him for a booking.